This question lingers in the mind of all women, does size matter when it comes to the vagina? All women are insecure about their size and being labelled as ‘big”, “loose,” “grand canyon,” “huge bucket”, “giant well,” etc.
SO, DOES SIZE MATTER As we all know, young women who are virgins and hold the epiphany of the perfect vagina during the time it has been untouched or broken into, are tight and small. This tightness and smallness represents the virtue of womanhood at its best, where the female is extremely feminine and has her sex organ in the right dimensions to provide pleasure to her partner.
Age is a determining factor on who the vagina of a virgin girl will evolve, some young women take care of their vaginas and do all they can to keep it tight, while other simply neglect this vaginal health and they experience changes in size.
Unlike men who are one size all their life from the date when they have fully developed their secondary sexual characteristics to the day they pass on, they remain one size. Women on the other hand are not one size all their life, all women start of small and tight, but through sexual practices, insertions of inappropriate or large objects into the vagina, childbirth, poor vaginal health, etc. Produce a change in the size of the female vagina and this change always tends to be an increase in size.

Smallness always represents beauty and bigness represents ugliness, all big vaginas are ugly and unappealing and all small vaginas are sexy and appealing. Human nature and evolution dictates this affirmation since the dawn of time.
All increases in size are symbolic to the degradation of the female, where she is no longer feminine because she is not tight and small. A feminine woman is always defined by having a tight vagina, which indicates to all the people surrounding her, that she is a healthy youthful female. In addition, the contrary happens to a woman who has a big or loose vagina, this represents the final stages of life where she is no longer sexy enough to perform and provide any stimuli to any partner, which she encounters.
So in essence, tight will always represent youth in the female and loose will always represent aging in the female. When it comes to sex and intercourse, women are simply not holding up their end. Far too many women neglect their vaginas and men feel resentful that their partner is not doing enough to keep her size under control.
We live in a society, which promotes big as better, big is never better in any of the genders. Sex organs are not the best-looking body parts and having a big vagina decreases the value of the female, she instantly becomes ugly through her big ugly vagina. Therefore, big is not beautiful, big represents ugliness and embarrassment to any woman who wants to be feminine.
Size does matter; virtually all men prefer and seek women who have tight and or snug fitting vaginas. A tight and snug vagina will forever look better and sexier, it fits better and it performs better sexually. Thus vagina size does matter; it matters sexually, emotionally, physiologically and physically. A vagina will always experience size variations and only a woman can limit and control her changes in her vaginas dimensions.