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Frequently Asked Questions (Vaginal Odour)

  1. Does reducing the size of my vagina, actually help me eliminate vaginal odours?
  2. Do you offer other methods of vaginal odour control, besides vaginal size reduction.
  3. Can vaginal odour affect my relationship with my partner?
  4. If I can smell my vagina through my clothing, can other people detect its smell?
  5. My vagina really smells bad, like a dead skunk, can this be resolved?

Frequently Asked Questions (Vaginal Size)

  1. Does size matter?
  2. Will tightening up my vagina help me achieve more orgasms during intercourse?

Answers to Vaginal Odour Reduction.

1. Does reducing the size of my vagina, actually help me eliminate vaginal odours?
The presence and strength of vaginal odours, increases or decreases with the size of the female vagina. Size does play an active roll in how much odour a vagina will produce, since bacteria, germs and yeast breed and multiply based on the amount of surface area available within the vagina. If you reduce this area, these organism will have less breeding space and consequently will emit slightly less odour. so size does matter if you prefer to be cleaner. Clearly other factors will come into play also, but vaginal size is one which can be controlled and reduced for a more fresh vagina.

2. Do you offer other methods of vaginal odour control, besides vaginal size reduction?
Yes, besides vaginal size reduction which goes hand in hand with odour reduction, we do go over a lot of various techniques as well as things you should can do to reduce or eliminate vaginal odours. There are many things which can be done and do not require a whole lot of effort on behalf of your part. Gradually unwanted vaginal odour will diminish and you will not have too much to worry about odour down under.

3. Can vaginal odour affect my relationship with my partner?
Yes, unwanted vaginal odour can be detrimental to any relationship, a bad smelling vagina is something hard to forget about once you have smelled one. It affects how couples interact with each other and it affects sexual pleasure, not very many men want to smell foul odours from a female vagina, as its associated with being dirty and unhealthy. Many relationships are ended because of bad vaginal odours, when a partner can no longer tolerate bad vaginal odours, they see no need in continuing with the relationship any further as the female is seen as dirty.

4. If I can smell my vagina through my clothing, can other people detect its smell?
If your vaginal odour is strong enough and it penetrates clothing fibber’s, then it is likely that if you were to stand in-front of an other person, they can detect an odour emitting from you. If you can smell it, then the likelihood is that other people can smell it also.

5. My vagina really smells bad, like a dead skunk, can this be resolved?
Certain things require a trip to the doctor, if your vagina really smells bad, its best to check with your doctor and resolve any issues or infections which you might have. After that you can take steps to prevent future vaginal infection so its not a recurring things to have a foul smelling vagina.

Answers to Vaginal Size Reduction

1. Does size matter?
Size plays an active roll in how we live our lives, but the question is does it matter?, or should it matter?, psychologically speaking men are extremely attracted to women with tight and snug vagina’s, as this represents youth and health in the female. Men also see it as a vagina that is extremely attractive since all the key components seen to be in place to create an attractive vagina and men place a high degree of emphasis in looks when it comes to the female body, because, once again it represents health. As for the physical part and sexual interaction, size does matter in that men get the proper stimulation from their partner, we must remember that the size of the vagina changes as the female ages, unless she takes proper care of her canal. But we also need to understand that the vast majority of women simply neglect their vagina allowing it to decay at a fast rate. Men on the other hand are one size all their life, their organ has been designed to be inserted in a virgin female without injuring her but it does not increase in size to accommodate a loose and decaying vagina, it remains one size and women on the other hand have size alteration. Different sexual practices, vaginal health neglect and childbirth will change the size of the vagina. A big vagina becomes unattractive to the opposite gender and it looses its ability for proper stimulation of her partner and herself for that fact. So does size matter, apparently it does, the size of the female vagina is extremely important physically and psychologically for attraction and retention of a mate. There are very few men who opt to be with a female with a loose vagina, men simply what tight vagina’s its a well renowned fact of life for health and beauty in the female organ.

2. Will tightening up my vagina help me achieve more orgasms during intercourse?
Yes, women who have tighter vagina’s or rejuvenate theirs to a more youthful status tend to produce more orgasms during each sexual encounter. A smaller vagina tends to take full advantage of the penetrating thrust from the male, the outer vaginal lips get direct stimulation as they are tightly closed to the male organ. The clitoris will also get stimulated as your vulva will move more as the male goes in and out of you, since its tight the clitoris will get a whole lot more action. When the female vagina is decayed and loose, this does not happen, there is no labial stimulation or clitoral and consequently no orgasms. Both couples feel that sex is simply not interesting as neither is getting any benefits from it. So yes a tighter vagina will always yield more orgasms as well as to provide proper stimulation to thy partner.

3. My vagina sends out embarrassing farts, if I tighten it up will this go away?
The size of the vagina is one main factor why some women experience embarrassing vaginal farting, imaging getting up or moving around and all of a sudden your vagina farts in-front of friends, family or a crowed of people. It can also be an embarrassing problem if you are engaging in intercourse and this occurs for first time relationships it can be a major embarrassment. This problems primarily occurs with women with loose vagina’s, where they do not close properly and air gets inside, sudden movements cause the air to evacuate and a fart noise is generated as the air vibrates out through the vaginal lips. Reducing or rejuvenating your vagina will minimize this problem, a smaller vagina will close properly and avoid air getting trapped in loose pockets within the vagina. It also reduces the quantity of air which can get trapped as the vagina is smaller and the ability for the vagina to fart is next to nill. A vaginal size reduction is recommended to prevent a vagina from farting and causing embarrassment to the female.

4. Can a loose and decayed vagina cause relationships to end prematurely?
Unfortunately yes, a tight vagina always represents health and beauty, there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that fact. A loose vagina simply does not represent health nor beauty but rather the final stages of reproductive health where things no longer function and do not look attractive. If a female neglects or shows no interest in her vaginal health, her partner tends to pick up on this and problems arise from it, as she is not doing her part to provide proper stimulation to him and loss of sexual interest is lost by both partners and from there on its all down hill. Vaginal health is extremely important in all relationships.

5. If my vagina becomes loose and decayed what should I expect for my future?
It will hurt you psychologically and emotionally, it will damage your sexual life forever and it can destroy your relationships with people you care about. From there on, you can expect to suffer from urinary incontinence, millions of grown women have to wear diapers like if they were babies once again, some women have to start wearing diapers at age 25, because of certain sexual practices they done in their teens. Getting a loose vagina affects the quality of your life greatly, having to wear a diaper is not a fun thing to do for an adult female, and due to the amount of women suffering from urinary incontinence, you can get an idea of the amount of women who have loose vaginas and or allowed them to decay at a premature age. Aside from having to wear a diaper, you can also experience bowel control problems and vaginal farting, and in severe cases there will be vaginal prolpse where internal organs collapse on top of the uterus forcing the vaginal canal to close partially, where no penetration will ever be possible. Then after you will have to wear a prolapse support to help hold your internal organs from coming down any further or have surgery to correct the problem. Having a loose vagina is no joke, its a series matter and neglecting your vagina in your teens and early twenties can lead to series problems which can be easily avoided. Learning how to properly maintain and exercise your vagina on a regular bases can do wonders to your love life and to your future healthy, so you have to decide, do you want to go through what millions of women are going through today, by destroying your sexual pleasure, having to wear a diaper when you are in your thirties, or a supportive garment to hold your internal organs through your vagina.

Tighter is better for life pleasures, it looks youthful, it feels better and most importantly it looks sexy.

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